Hijri Date Today Ksa

Islamic months are different than the gregorian or english months here you can find the accurate current dates of hijri year 1442 and gregorian year 2020.
Hijri date today ksa. The islamic dates by calendar has 12 months with 29 or 30 days per month and 354 or 356 days in a year. 22 sonbola virgo 1398 solar hijri. 1441 1442 ah. Islamic date is also called hijri date in muslim world that follows moon phases as lunar calendar.
Today islamic date of 1442 hijri year most accurate muslim date of today according to the islamic calendar 2020. Sep 13 2020 today islamic date in saudi arabia is 26 muharram 1442. 13 september 2020. Islamic hijri calendar year 2020 m based on ummul qura system saudi arabia.
Wednesday 16 september 2020. The beginning of each month is marked by the observance of a new moon seen for the first time. Full monthly calendar is given also for your reference to get the accurate idea of the current date all over the world. 25 muharram 1442 hijri.
What is today islamic date in saudi arabia today s islamic date in saudi arabia in islamic hijri calendar. Islamicfinder provides you with the most accurate islamic date converter to facilitate you in your day to day planning. 25 sonbola virgo 1398. Today islamic date in saudi arabia.